Public Comment

Toddlers in Cages

Scott Hartley,Fairfield, IA
Saturday July 27, 2019 - 10:55:00 AM

I, we, should all offer appreciation to investigative journalists, continuing their barely-remunerative labors in a country that has recently voted to abjure truth. But even in the event these embattled professionals suffer the extirpation apparently designed for them, we can still live with some grasp of reality simply by investigating the open and direct statements of "public figures" crawled out to assume their roles like cockroaches from hidden channels in America's woodwork.  

So, let us consider justice and humanity at our southern border -- how are we doing? One of the most recent gluttage of arrogant, incompetent temporary deputy assistant choughs raised up to jobs they have only promised to abhor -- even as much as decent folks abhor the spectacle of their performance -- this bozo, nameless for the moment, appeared before Congress to excuse his, and all our disgrace, by launching a two-fold claim: first, he notes that criminals, upon arrest, are separated from their children by a rightful and long-standing policy (although it never entailed putting toddlers into cages till now), but now, as the claim unfolds into its second chapter, we have ended the policy. So it was OK in the first place because we always did it, and it's doubly OK now, because we aren't doing it any more. Can't these morons at least hire middle schoolers to logic-check their lies? 

I was never a fan of Jacques Derrida till now, but every dog must claim his day.