
DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE: Spanish Vote a Lesson for the Left

Conn Hallinan
Friday December 21, 2018 - 10:16:00 PM

In what seems a replay of recent German and Italian elections, an openly authoritarian and racist party made major electoral gains in Spain’s most populous province, Andalusia, helping to dethrone the Socialist Party that had dominated the southern region for 36 years. Vox (Voice)—a party that stands for “Spain First,” restrictions on women’s rights, ending abortion, stopping immigration and dismantling the country’s regional governments—won almost 11 percent of the vote. The Party is in negotiations to be part of a ruling rightwing coalition, while left parties are calling for an “anti-fascist front,”. It’s as if the old Spanish dictator Francisco Franco had arisen from his tomb in the “Valley of the Fallen” and was again marching on Madrid.

Actually, the results were not so much “stunning”—the British Independent’s headline on the election—as a case of chickens coming home to roost, and a sobering lesson for center-left and left forces in Europe. -more-

THE PUBLIC EYE:Winter is Coming

Bob Burnett
Friday December 21, 2018 - 10:21:00 PM

As we approach the solstice, San Francisco beaches are being hammered by 40-foot waves. It's an apt metaphor for the troubled times we are living in. Borrowing a phrase from Game of Thrones, "winter is coming;" with a vengeance. Here are some predictions for the next three months.

Trump Slithers Towards Impeachment: Dating from Watergate (1972-74), the average length of a special counsel investigation, involving a President, is 904 days. Robert Mueller's investigation has gone on 580+ days. My prediction: the Mueller inquiry will end in the Spring, around the two-year anniversary.

In the meantime, the mainstream media is going to be dominated by revelations of Trump's evil deeds -- my prediction: Trump will be implicated in dozens of felonies.

Eventually, evidence of Trump's treachery will be so overwhelming that the House of Representatives will have no choice but to initiate impeachment proceedings. Normal congressional work will halt. The U.S. will be transfixed. -more-

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Being Battered by People's "Work Ethic"

Jack Bragen
Friday December 21, 2018 - 10:19:00 PM

People born in the U.S. and those I've met from other countries almost universally tend to believe in the virtues of hard work. The value of work seems to be present across all demographic categories. On the other hand, people blessed with privilege seem to enjoy it when other people work hard under their dominance.

Hard work is considered a virtue among blue collar and middle-class Americans. Yet, this "work ethic" is sometimes carried to a point of it being damaging. Also, some elements of it seem to be irrational.

The common work ethic is sometimes used to "whip people into shape." I've met people who have applied the work ethic to me--I've been unable to tolerate too much of it. I do perform hard work, but I am not happy when pushed. At times, I've had no viable choice other than to tolerate it. I may soon be in that position again. -more-

ECLECTIC RANT: Trump’s ill-advised decision to withdraw from Syria

Ralph E. Stone
Friday December 21, 2018 - 10:06:00 PM

Without consulting his military advisors, his White House staff, Congress, or our allies, the Twitter-in-Chief announced an immediate, full withdrawal of the 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria, Tweeting “we have defeated ISIS in Syria.”

If he had consulted with his military advisors, Trump would have known that ISIS has not been defeated there. While the long fight against ISIS looks good on a map, it is yet to be decisive on the battlefield. At least 2,500 ISIS fighters remain and it retains the capacity to continue to do damage, especially if let off the hook now. And it cedes control of Syria to Russia and Iran, and it abandons our Syrian-Kurdish allies. -more-