Public Comment

The Ten Commandments: A Conservative Tilt

Harry Brill
Friday March 23, 2018 - 04:47:00 PM

1. Never, ever blame the poor for being in poverty. They are not responsible for their genetic deficiencies. 

2. As a landlord, rent your vacant apartment to 5 to 10 tenants. You will be doing a good deed by enhancing their social life and creating community. 


3. Also, keep the rental security deposit if the vacated tenants fail to adequately dust the apartment shelves. 

4.Those with lots of money to spare should contribute at least $25 every year to tax deductible charities.  

5. Is unemployment high in your community? If you own a business, pay job seekers around $1.50 an hour provided they keep your generous offer strictly confidential. 

6. As intelligent and caring well-to-do people realize, except for defending our country from the high risk of a military attack, taxes are very bad for our society and economy. Be principled. See if you can incorporate as an individual, like many corporations, and pay no taxes at all. 

7. Since the poor benefit the most from the government's wasteful spending habits, it is about time to compel the poor to pay their fair share of taxes. 

8. It is silly to pity the homeless for living outdoors. The boy and girl scouts as well as many hikers have always enjoyed the outdoor life, particularly their overnight camping activities. It is only a matter of attitude. 

9. Poor folks and others who cannot afford health insurance whine about it. But if the poor take good care of themselves they would qualify for the nation's best health insurance, which is the cost free, very American "Don't Get Sick Plan". 

10. Money Talks: To the well-to-do it says: how good to see you so often. 

To the poor it says: goodbye, goodbye, and goodbye!