
DISPATCHES FROM THE EDGE:Dispatches 2016 News Awards

Conn Hallinan
Thursday December 22, 2016 - 10:17:00 PM

Each year Dispatches from the Edge gives awards to individuals, companies and governments that make reading the news a daily adventure. Here are the awards for 2016. -more-

THE PUBLIC EYE:Trump and Hitler

Bob Burnett
Thursday December 22, 2016 - 10:21:00 PM

It's impossible to read Volker Ulrich's remarkable biography, "Hitler, Ascent: 1889-1939," without being struck by the parallels between Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump. -more-

ECLECTIC RANT: Two-state solution delusion

Ralph E. Stone
Thursday December 22, 2016 - 09:50:00 PM

A fantasy persists of a Israeli-Palestine peace agreement leading to an independent Palestine state in the land Israel has occupied since the 1967 Mideast War. It must be clear by now to anyone paying attention that Israel has no intention of engaging in meaningful peace negotiations that would result in an independent Palestinian state. Rather, Israel is slowly squeezing the Palestinians where the ultimate goal is to take over the entire country by erecting a wall or fence, which cuts deep into Palestinian territory, joining large Jewish settlement blocks to Israel, further confining the Palestinians to isolated enclaves. -more-


Jack Bragen
Thursday December 22, 2016 - 10:35:00 PM

"…and so this is Christmas, and a happy New Year, let's hope it's a good one, without any fear…" -more-