
After the second debate

Bruce Joffe
Tuesday October 11, 2016 - 12:27:00 PM

With all his sniffing and huffing and puffing, the Sexual Predator failed to keep his hot air balloon from deflating. He prowled the stage, pointing at Hillary, attacking her with the same old lies that have been debunked scores of times. He even threatened to have her jailed if he were to become president, oblivious to the irony that he himself may be convicted for bribing the Florida Attorney General, for bilking thousands of Trump University students, and for using his so-called charitable foundation for personal gain.  

Hillary reminded the audience to look at this man's exaggerated words and deceptions as indicative of his character, and then moved on to the "high road," explaining how her intentions and policies would address the critical problems our country faces. The Blustery Bully could do little more than repeat what is wrong with America, again and again, never saying how he would solve those problems.  

Should Hillary have been more combative, and respond to each and every spurious charge that the Donald was spewing? To most of the audience who came to hear what she stands for, that would have wasted their time. To a few, however, her lack of response may be interpreted as acquiescence. People often see what they expected to see. And voters vote for people to represent them who look like themselves.