The Editor's Back Fence

Updated: Droste Appoints Ageist, Sexist to City Commission

Monday December 07, 2015 - 10:02:00 AM

An open letter to my District 8 councilmember, Lori Droste, sent upon receiving her newsletter this morning:

Lori: This time I am truly shocked that you have appointed to a key commission a person who is a spokesman for San Francisco BARF. Just in case you don't know what Diego Aguilar-Canabal stands for, here's a quote of something he wrote on the BARF list-serv, which I read from time to time:

"Also, Berkeleyside should be publishing an op-ed I sent them soon, basically chastising old people for being dicks in public. (Oct. 1, SF BARF google group,!forum/sfbarentersfed )"

He also made fun of the campaign to save the downtown post office, which he thought would be a good site for an apartment development. (And don't you just love the vulgar sexism of his language, and the ageism of his sentiments?)

Do you think that District 8 voters will support your appointment of this person when they learn about it? As a well-known and long-time public dick in your very own neighborhood I somehow doubt it. 

UPDATE: A reader asks, which commission? The Housing Advisory Commission. Another, older reader asks the meaning of the crude slang term "dick", which she thought used to mean "penis". Now I believe, though I'm pretty old myself, that it's also used to denigrate people who seem to be thinking with their penises instead of their brains. Not really appropriate when applied to women by men like this one who seem to be doing just that themselves.