Public Comment

New: The GOP & Reagan

Jagjit Singh
Wednesday September 09, 2015 - 08:41:00 AM

The GOP presidential wannabees have taken a hard right turn from the sublime to the ridiculous – in a virtual twilight zone. 

The next debate will be held at the presidential library of Ronald Reagan, the much loved patron saint of Republican conservatism. 

Largely ignored is Reagan’s real legacy. Contrary to Grover Norquist’s much touted Americans for Tax Reform, the 40th president raised taxes eleven times in his eight years in office. The federal workforce increased markedly and the debt skyrocketed from $700 billion to $3 trillion. He also massively expanded the Pentagon budget. 

Contrary to the anti-immigrant rhetoric of Trump and his cohorts, Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants, stating “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here for some time and may have entered illegally”. He opposed supporting federal initiatives to provide blacks with civil rights and pledged his opposition to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964. 

Finally, he raised the debt ceiling 18 times during his tenure Republican – a complete heresy in modern day Republican orthodoxy.