
New: Can We Have Liberty and Justice for All?

Romila Khanna
Wednesday August 19, 2015 - 10:24:00 AM

Promise are made before elections by prospective candidates, but what happens in reality? After they are elected for public office, we suffer the effect of their broken promises. Mostly the poor and the needy suffer. 

Who holds the purse strings? Who decides how much can be spent on federal programs? Who tries to help the billionaire donors? I hear that the President is wasting taxpayer money. But the view of what constitutes waste seems to depend on a person’s politics. Many people consider the Affordable Care Act an example of government waste. I consider it a lifeline to health for the poor and needy in our country. 

How will the person elected President in 2016 bring wealth, health and peace to all? Will that person ensure equal access to quality education? Will that person help steer strict gun possession laws through Congress? Will that person help rationalize our immigration policy so that many undocumented immigrants are granted limited term guest worker status? 

It takes hard work to promote liberty and justice for ALL. May the new President be committed to that goal.