Public Comment

New: Sterilization Program of Mares in Wild Horse Herds Involving the BLM (Bureau of Land Management)

Nina Council
Tuesday February 03, 2015 - 10:32:00 AM

It is vitally important for all of us to educate ourselves on the plight of the wild horse, for they are being rounded up by the thousands. Lets not have any more brutal round-ups. If after five years of giving the birth control medication PZP to wild mares and they become sterile, perhaps in some cases that may be all right. Most of we humans love and respect our wild horses and see them as iconic figures, and absolutely want no more round ups, or any part of these terrific tragedies involved.  

It is difficult for me as a horse owner and horse lover to give my trust to the BLM after discovering that the BLM looked the other way as many healthy horses were cheaply sold to a man named Jim Davis who immediately sent them to slaughter. These were criminal sales, and were secretly done without the approval of the public. These kinds of secret sales by the thousands, of wild horses continue today without the public's knowledge. Thousands of horses have now been sold into slaughter for meat production, and the meat then sent to many countries such as France ,Japan, Belgium and others. This is repugnant, horribly cruel, and very secretive. This is indeed not fair to us as (tax payers) we who support the BLM, and lands, expecting them to do the right by the horses. 

The first priority needs to be that public lands which are indeed public lands be given to our wild ones, horses, and others. Why does the BLM give priority to the huge Cattle Industry, it’s not the cattle industries land. It is public lands and belongs to our wild life.  

We tax payers support those public lands and are entitled to have our say as to their usage. Humans might eat less beef, it is now a fact that 51% of green house gasses are created from the grazing of the cattle, which in turn adds to the serious problem of global warming. Many things must change, and there is much work to do to improve humanities ethics and values.  

Herds of wild horses are iconic, healing for those who experience these natural beings, and we humans need much healing, and less focus on the almighty dollar. We must remember what the horse did for humans, they helped build this country. Human arrogance and greed are huge problems creating many of today’s catastrophic situations. Thank for reading my words with hopes that many will give serious thought to the survival of our wondrous wild horses.