
Flash: Berkeley Group to Petition for Minimum Wage Ballot Initiative (Press Release)

From Berkeley Citizens for a Fair Minimum Wage
Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 05:56:00 PM

Our group, Berkeley Citizens for a Fair Minimum Wage, will deliver a notice to the Berkeley City Clerk at 10 AM Thursday, May 15th. This action will begin our petition campaign for a ballot initiative establishing a new Berkeley Minimum Wage at $15/hour, along with annual CPI-adjusted increases and paid sick leave. 

Our decision is the result of the Council’s May 6th action, which we found to be woefully inadequate for the needs of working people.  



Carla Woodworth, Former Berkeley City Councilmember 

Ying Lee, Former Berkeley City Councilmember 

Margot Smith, Berkeley Resident 

Marty Schiffenbauer, Berkeley Resident 

David Fielder, Berkeley Resident 


Mark Numainville May 15, 2014 

City Clerk 

City of Berkeley 

2180 Milvia Street 

Berkeley, CA 94704  

Dear Mr. Numainville: 

The group Berkeley Citizens for a Fair Minimum Wage has decided to put before Berkeley voters a meaningful minimum wage and paid sick leave ordinance utilizing the initiative process according to Berkeley City Charter Section 92(4). Our decision is the result of the City Council’s May 6th action, which we find woefully inadequate for the needs of working people.  

In order to ensure a mutual understanding of the procedural requirements, we would like to schedule a meeting with you in the near future. After this meeting, we will submit to you a “Notice of Intent to Circulate” a petition addressing the following specific issues: 

1. Establishment of a new minimum wage for all Berkeley workers commensurate with a more realistic assessment of what those workers need to survive in our local economy. This new Berkeley Minimum Wage will be set at $15.00 per hour no later than January 1, 2017. 

2. Adjustment of the new Berkeley Minimum Wage by a CPI-driven COLA annually following its initial establishment. 

3. Inclusion of guaranteed paid sick leave by employers for workers at a pro-rata amount commensurate with employment. This is specifically intended to ensure that employees are not forced to work while sick to retain their jobs. 

We look forward to working with you as we pursue this effort to improve the quality of working life in Berkeley. 





Carla Woodworth, Former Berkeley City Councilmember 

2335 Parker Street #2 

Berkeley, CA 94704 



Ying Lee, Former Berkeley City Councilmember 



Margot Smith, Berkeley Resident 



Marty Schiffenbauer, Berkeley Resident 


David Fielder, Berkeley Resident 


cc: Mayor Bates and City Councilmembers