
2010 Dispatches From the Edge Awards

By Conn Hallinan
Monday January 03, 2011 - 07:37:00 PM

Each year the column Dispatches From The Edge awards news stories and newsmakers that fall under the category of “Are you serious?” Here are 2010’s winners. -more-

The Public Eye: 2010 “Person” of the Year: The US Supreme Court

By Bob Burnett
Monday January 03, 2011 - 05:14:00 PM

It’s difficult to look beyond the tumult of current events and ask, “what happened this year that will be remembered ten, twenty, or fifty years from now?” However, there was one 2010 event that, in terms of its long-term impact, loomed above the others, the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court Decision. -more-

The Public Eye: 2010: America Held Hostage

By Bob Burnett
Monday January 03, 2011 - 05:04:00 PM

If you were out of the United States for most of the year, or rely upon the mainstream media for all your “information,” you missed the big news of 2010: we’re having a class war and greed is winning. To get their way, the rich are holding working Americans hostage. -more-

Ecletic Rant: Facebook and Privacy

By Ralph E. Stone
Monday January 03, 2011 - 05:33:00 PM

I am not here to bash Facebook. (Did I hear Mark Zuckerberg’s sigh of relief?) However, I do want to sound a note of caution to present and future Facebook users. -more-

Senior Power: “Graying prisons,” early release, and ‘assisted living’

By Helen Rippier Wheeler
Monday January 03, 2011 - 05:01:00 PM

The U.S. prison population grew from over 319,000 in 1980 to nearly 1.5 million in 2005. Elderly inmates represent the fastest growing segment of federal and state prisons.Conservative estimates suggest that this population now represents 33%, reflecting the general aging of society. -more-

On Mental Health: Adequate Housing Is An Inalienable Right

By Jack Bragen
Tuesday January 04, 2011 - 04:38:00 PM

Affordable, safe, accessible, clean housing should be provided for all persons with major mental illnesses, across the board. This is an area that creates numerous and persistent problems for those who are economically and otherwise affected by having these psychiatric diseases. -more-