
SENIOR POWER: Why Are All Senior Centers Closed at Once?

By Helen Rippier Wheeler
Thursday March 11, 2010 - 09:26:00 AM

“In youth we learn; In age we understand.”  

Marie Ebner-Von Eschenbach (1830-1916)

Seniors taking "Voluntary Time Off (VTO) Days?" The Aging Services Division director has announced that "..…we will be closing the senior centers on the fourth Friday of each month beginning on March 26, 2010."  

He refers to the City's having implemented VTO days over 3 years ago, and declares that "Most City staff is now having VTO days..."  

Shutting down services for Berkeley's large senior citizen population as well as a place for them to go and to be is like comparing apples and onions. 

The senior centers' staffing has already been substantially decreased. 

Did the Commission on Aging vote on this? (It's difficult to tell because the COA agenda hasn't appeared on the www for months.) 

Apparently the senior centers' advisory councils were not consulted either. The March senior centers' newsletter/schedule has March 26th booked solid with classes, events, and meals.  

Question: Was an alternative to closing each of the 3 senior centers once a month on the same Friday considered, i.e. each on a different Friday? Gosh, that would actually provide a senior center open daily!