

Tuesday April 19, 2005

Armed Backpack Robbery 

A darkly clad gunman robbed a 20-year-old Berkeley resident of his backpack just after 1 a.m. Thursday as he was walking near the corner of Le Conte and Euclid avenues. 

Berkeley Police spokesperson Officer Joe Okies said the 20-something bandit departed the scene in a light-colored four-door import. 


Gang of Three 

Minutes after the backpack heist, three bandits ganged up on a 25-year-old man near the corner of Haste and Ellsworth streets. 

After physical assault convinced the pedestrian to hand over his MP3 player to the trio, the victim called police who were able to arrest one of the suspects, a juvenile, said Officer Okies. 


Trash Talk, and More 

Things took a bizarre turn Friday morning after a resident of the 3100 block of Fairview Street confronted a fellow who was scooping up the contents of her recycling bin. 

Things would’ve been fine had the trash-taker confined his response to the verbal realm, but the fellow then decided to expose himself to her. The offended woman then called police, who arrested the 39-year-old fellow on a charge of indecent exposure. 


Bank Robber Foiled 

A man in his forties walked into the Wells Fargo Bank at 2144 Shattuck Ave. Friday afternoon, threatening a teller and demanding cash. 

When the teller refused, the frustrated robber fled on foot—but not before leaving nice, clear images on the bank’s surveillance cameras. 


Rat Pack Attack 

A gang of juveniles attacked and beat down an 18-year-old man in the 2700 block of Milvia Street just after 11 p.m. Saturday, making off with his wallet and his athletic shoes. 


Another Beatdown Heist 

Police arrested a 19-year-old man on charges of assault and robbery after a 20-year-old male victim was beaten and robbed of his cash just after 1 a.m. Sunday near the corner of Derby Street and Martin Luther King. Jr. Way, said officer Okies. 


He Was Framed 

Police arrested a 44-year-old man on robbery charges after he was nabbed walking out of the Shattuck Avenue Aaron Brothers Art Mart with an armload of frames and other artist’s supplies at 12:42 p.m. Sunday. 

Officer Okies said the robber had entered the store and leveled threats against employees lest they interfere with his pilferage. 


Traffic Stop Troubles 

When police attempted to stop a 44-year-old driver in the 1900 block of University Avenue at 10 p.m. Sunday, he decided to boogie, making it ten blocks to the west before parking along the 900 block of University, where officers finally found him hiding from view. 

They also discovered his excellent reasons for hiding, including arrest warrants, drugs and a firearm. His next ride was in the back seat of a police cruiser.