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News of the Weird

The Associated Press
Tuesday May 14, 2002

Parking on the 

honor system 


HONOLULU — A guilty conscience apparently got the better of one parking offender. 

State officials said they recently received a $5 bill in the mail from someone who admitted overstaying the time on a parking meter at historic Iolani Palace. 

The bill was accompanied by an anonymous letter postmarked from Lansing, Mich. 

The letter had no name or return address but the sender apparently wanted to make sure the cash reached Hawaii by attaching a second 34-cent stamp. 

“It’s the first time that I received something like this,” said Harold Sonomura, who heads the state’s Automotive Management division. “I’m kind of surprised anybody would do this.” 


SF student gives up hot dogs for baseball 


SAN FRANCISCO — Khamis Zananiri is relishing his new role in the University of San Francisco starting lineup. 

A few weeks ago, the freshman was the hot dog chef at Benedetti Diamond, but now is the starting third baseman for the Dons and the second-leading hitter, with a .320 average. 

Injuries to other players gave Zananiri a chance to shine, though he did plenty to earn the respect of the coaches during tryouts. 

When the team showed up for practice, he helped unload equipment, rake the infield and stayed late to water the grass. 

“When he would finish all of his work, then he’d go to the batting cage and work some more,” said coach Nino Giarratano, noting Zananiri was usually the first to arrive at practice and the last to leave. 

“There’s a reason why you have your dreams,” Zananiri said. “So don’t give up on them.” 


Police hand out leashes 


PARK CITY, Utah — Police are handing out leashes — not citations — when they catch dog owners letting their animals run loose. 

“We’re always trying to look for the more friendly solution up here,” said Myles C. Rademan, public affairs director for Park City. 

City Police Chief Lloyd Evans has purchased 400 inexpensive leashes and asked his officers to carry a few while on patrol. When they spot someone allowing their dog to run free in an inappropriate area, the owner is given a leash and brochure explaining the city’s dog policy.