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YMCA holds family night

Daily Planet Staff
Thursday April 06, 2000

The Downtown Berkeley YMCA will open its doors to the public for a free event celebrating Healthy Kids Day. 

The event, which runs from 6 to 9 p.m., is part of the nationwide celebration at the YMCA and is a way to educate children and families about fun, healthy and safe activities that they can do together. 

This year the Downtown Berkeley YMCA, located at 2001 Allston Way, has put together an evening for the entire family. A few of the activities taking place include: fingerprinting by the Berkeley Police Department; family swim; face painting; obstacle course; arts and crafts; family aerobics; first aid information with Fast Response; parenting and informational booths. 

Special guest appearances will be made by Oski, the UC Berkeley mascot; Berkeley Farm “Chug” Mobile; Children’s Fairyland personalities; Raiderettes; Berkeley Fire Department; and “Lulu” the clown. 

In conjunction with Friday’s event, the Y held a poster contest for children. Students were asked, “What makes a Healthy Kid?” The winning posters will be on display through Friday at the Downtown Berkeley YMCA. 

Here are the winners: Madeleine Pelton, age 6, won Best in Craftsmanship and was awarded a free birthday party at the YMCA; Jamie Irvine, age 10, won Best in Communication and was awarded four A’s tickets and lunch with Mayor Shirley Dean; Jacob Isaacs, age 9, won Best of Color and was awarded a YMCA sweatshirt and ice cream certificates; and Marilyn Orozco, age 10, won Best in Creativity and was awarded a free week at YMCA Camp Gualala. 

Every student who participated in the poster contest received a free Healthy Kids Day water bottle and a certificate of appreciation. 

For more information or directions on Friday night’s event, call the Downtown Berkeley YMCA at 510-848-9622.