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Berkeley YIMBYS say:
De-forest Tilden Park
and Build Housing
The latest from Berkeley's watercolor- painting YIMBY Alfred Twu?
Remove the woodlands of Tilden Park and lease the land for housing.
He's joined by by Berkeley YIMBY Diego Aguilar-Canabal who is Berkeley Councilmember Terry Taplin's legislative aide.
I'm not joking - and neither are they.
Quote: "Moving development away from flammable forests is the right thing to do in most of California. But in the East Bay Hills - an island of hazard surrounded by 2 million people - maybe it's the forest that ought to go.
"While tiny in size, the East Bay Hills are one of the biggest wildfire hazards in the state since it's right next to the city. There's no way the state can afford to buy out all the homes and businesses at risk."
Diego Aguilar-Canabal chimes in to add: "That's right'.
The YIMBYs imagine themselves to be political sophisticates and they do sometimes make outrageous proposals to try to make their actual goal look like a compromise. Either way, you can see how messed up our YIMBY-majority City Council has become.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Alfred Twu is Councilmember Taplin's appointee to the Berkeley Landmark Preservation Commission.]