
Is this MANly true?

Mary Kieffer
Monday July 22, 2019 - 12:59:00 PM

To the citizen’s [sic] of Berkley [sic]; It is all over social media your city government decided to emasculate the words like “manhole” to maintenance hole. Is this true? Did you really convene and decide the term “manhole” was offensive?? Really?? If not, please clear the air so that we-the rest of the country or the sane part of the country stop making fun of you. I’m just sure there are normal hard working adults in this town. I’m sure someone there is shaking their heads saying “please God, not another black eye.”. 

If you did indeed spend time and money to do this, what the heck were you thinking? My Lord, have you had too much dope, sunshine, artificial flavors in the dorito’s [sic] to realize just how stupid you look to the rest of the world? Are you wanting to be the laughing stock of the world? Anyway I was just wondering and thought also you need to know how batshit crazy y’all sound.