Public Comment
Sacramento Community Post Office Will Close
Dear Berkeley Neighbors:
We tried to save our local community post office on Sacramento St over the past two years.
we spoke out
we signed petitions
we attended meetings
We threatened to make more noise
we thought the issue of closing the office was finally resolved, but sad to say there seems to be nothing left to do-- very disappointed the message was not sent to those of us on the petition and/or who spoke at the meeting.
Instead we get this from someone else and the person at the PO does not even provide her phone or email. Does anyone know how to reach
Elma I. Ramirez
Manager, Consumer Affairs
United States Postal Service
Our only hope is that our beloved postmistress Eleanor Neal-- who is the BEST, most respectful and helpful PO employee--who always does the job asked with courtesy and support to all of her customers will be transferred to Station A PO on San Pablo.
If that does not happen I give up on the PO.
Frustrated at this news yet hopeful things will work out. The PO on Sacramento has been a community place and not only a PO.
Wonder what will happen to the building now. Anyone know?